The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has redesigned Form W-4 for the year 2020. As explained in the DRAFT posted on the IRS website, federal allowances have been removed. Prior to this change, an employee could use Form W-4 for Wisconsin purposes if the employee’s federal allowances equaled his or her Wisconsin exemptions. Since federal allowances have been removed, the redesigned Form W-4 cannot be used for Wisconsin purposes.
The following applies for Wisconsin withholding tax purposes beginning in 2020:
•All newly-hired employees must provide Form WT-4 to their employer.
•Existing employees that change the number of their Wisconsin withholding exemptions must provide Form WT-4 to their employer.
•Existing employees are not required to provide Form WT-4 to their employer (unless the employer requests it) if the employee wishes to maintain the same number ofWisconsin withholding exemptions used in 2019.
CLICK HERE to view the draft form.